David Hazlett

David A. Hazlett
(717) 642-8269

Appointed Carroll Valley Borough Manager on April 11, 2005, Dave has served for over 17 years.  During his tenure, he has overseen projects such as the construction of the Ranch Trail Commons Community Park, the construction of the Greater Carroll Valley Community Education Complex (which includes the Library), support for creating extensive Recreation Programs, and much more. 

"It is no secret that Carroll Valley Borough is the most desired community in Adams County to live.  With a mix of fresh ideas, exceptional volunteers, expanding facilities, supportive leaders, and dedicated employees, there is more for the citizens of Carroll Valley than ever before. That is because I believe in the premise that we should be very vigilant in providing services on a basis of what is affordable to the citizens today and will not become a burden to them in the future, while at the same time committing to where the Borough is today, where the Borough must be in the future, and be willing to accept and promote the changes necessary to be ready for the future", says Manager Hazlett

Department Memberships

DepartmentJob title
Borough Manager
Active Membership
Zoning Officer / Code Enforcement Officer
Active Membership
Borough Manager
Active Membership
Active Membership
Active Membership